Saturday, August 29, 2015

Territory Cards

After the greatest headache since Invasion, there are now Territory Cards in Mega-Risk.  Everything but the troop scaling is in there, mainly because I haven't taken the time to find out what formula Risk uses for that thing.  Everything else works, though.

I'm hoping to get a full playable 'release' (with possibility of actual downloadable release) out in the next couple of weeks.  On the todo list for that to happen is:

  • Finish the AI (if we can't get multiplayer working we should at least finish that)
  • Make some UI adjustments to make everything look nicer
  • Fix that months-old minor Invasion bug where the virtual dice won't roll twice. (?)
  • Sea-Lines
  • More territories and continents.
So, basically, a bunch of easy stuff and the AI. :D
I'm really looking forward to getting all this base stuff finally done and out of the way so we can finally do what UE4 was made to do and make everything look PRETTYFUL.

Screenies/GIFs probably coming later.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Turns and Disaster Cards(Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.3)

Some more stuff happened last month!  After grappling on and off with the problem known as multiplayer, I realized that I don't necessarily need to get that done right away.
This epiphany led me to question the nature of the entire project.  I eventually found myself slightly revamping THE ENTIRE INFRASTRUCTURE (again) after I found out that instances (the thing we had been using to handle UI and a bunch of other stuff) are new, poorly documented, and didn't do what I wanted them to do.  So, I deleted ours and put all the code it contained in other places, which fixed a buttload of problems.

A few minor bugfixes later, and I was ready to implement the myserious things known as TURNS.  As of right now, I've put in the reinforcement and attack stages of Risk as well as the first fully Mega-Risk concept so far: DISASTER CARDS.

For those of you who've never played the original Mega-Risk, disaster cards are in-game events that happen every so often in-between turns.  They grab a random territory and do something to make the owner (an sometimes all adjacent territory's owners) suffer.  They could be anything from a lightning storm that halves the troop count to a deadly doomsday device that reduces everyone's troop count to 1.

I've got those working now.

So, all in all, the project is coming aloong nicely and, should the bug gods be kind, may be in a "playable" state before school starts!

OH, and I suppose this warrents a new 'release'.  It's time for:

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.3
- Removed GameInstance
- Added turn-locked territory selection
- Added reinforcement stage
 - When a territory is selected, its troop count goes up by one.
- Added Disaster Cards/Events(I like that name better)
 - Happen at the end of a round
 - Select a random territory and affect its troop count in some way
- Added Top Bar
 - Displays a variety of info including player's team, total troops, and other stuff
 - Holds constantly-available buttons such as End Turn and In-Game Menu
- Added post-invasion troop movement
 - Widget spawns after victory that lets players move a number of troops from the attacker to attacking territory.

Hmm, looking at that changelog it appears I added some stuff I didn't mention.  Oh well.

I was going to post some GIFs but my screen recorder is giving me some problems.  Once it's fixed I'll update this post.