Thursday, May 19, 2016


SO, CONRAD HERE, let me fill you in on what I've recently been doing.

1. TERRITORIES. basically I've been fiddling around with C++ trying to create voxel terrain out of an image. in short, VERY COMPLICATED. Annoyingly, I could not wizard my way into making this work. however just yesterday(?) (the 18th of may) I figured out a way to do this with my specialty. materials. WHOOO and it works. I can generate a terrain out of any (heightmap) image! so I currently have the regular mega risk map, Mata Nui from Bionicle, and some Skyrim map that Shmid sent me. but the skyrim map just died for unknown reasons so I have to redo that :/ but that will take approximately 5 seconds to fix so you can assume that works.

well that's the main thing. me blogs if there is anything new and wizardy happening.

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