
Here is where all of the versions are kept track of.

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.4
- Made new 'Proto2' map
- Added Continents
- Added Sea Lines
- Tweaked Whirlpool texture to make it more realistic
- UI adjustments
- A couple more bug fixes

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.3
- Removed GameInstance
- Added turn-locked territory selection
- Added reinforcement stage
 - When a territory is selected, its troop count goes up by one.
- Added Disaster Cards/Events(I like that name better)
 - Happen at the end of a round
 - Select a random territory and affect its troop count in some way
- Added Top Bar
 - Displays a variety of info including player's team, total troops, and other stuff
 - Holds constantly-available buttons such as End Turn and In-Game Menu
- Added post-invasion troop movement
 - Widget spawns after victory that lets players move a number of troops from the attacker to attacking territory.

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.2
- Revamped GameMode
- Added foliage to map
- Added teams
  - Territories all are assigned to a team, which determines their color.
  - Players are also all on teams.
  - Players can only interace with territories that belong to them, unless they're invading,     in which case they also interact with territories adjacent to the attacking territory.
- Added Main Menu
  - "Play SP" button enters main map
  - "Settings" button enters currently functionless settings 

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.1
- Initial version
- Added 3D map
- Added Continent-Territories
- Added Territory selection
- Added Territory buttons