It's time again for another month-apart update.
This time, I am able to say that NOT EVERYTHING IS BROKEN ANYMORE. I was able to essentially remake Mega-Risk and get everything locked within the vaults of source control. Over Spring Break, I was able to get a theoretically correct multiplayer setup going, but was forced to stop when, after getting all the code to compile, I could not make the in-game server list show any servers.
So I decided to get a settings system working. It may not have been made obvious in previous posts, but customization is a huge part of Mega-Risk. In real-life games, the rules are often tinkered with from game to game (and sometimes mid-game as well). Everything from the ability to trade territory cards to the number of troops that can be raised in a single turn to existence of unbreakable alliances are all things that are decided upon in each and every game. As such, I've been trying to figure out a fast and easy way to implement an ENORMOUS amount of game settings, with the ability to add more whenever we need to without any headaches.
My prayers were answered in the form of spreadsheets. Luckily for me, Unreal Engine supports the use of Excel Sheets to create data tables*. After a long night of getting the required framework in, I had pretty much created a system in which a central 'Settings Sheet' can be used to hold every single game setting in Mega-Risk. Even better, I found out I can edit this sheet in-engine once it's been imported into Unreal for the first time.
Actually hooking this data up to a set of variables took a bit longer. To get into the details, I had to make a set of menus that categorizes all settings into a neat little settings screen and then have every setting correlate to a variable in my GameInstance (basically a place where all settings and game-wide data is kept).
Thankfully, this system seems to be working now and I can try to get multiplayer working. Well, when I say that I mean I can now help my partner with the problem he's having with source control so he can try and solve the problem because I can't figure it out for the life of me.
All-in-all, Mega-Risk is chugging along at a steady-ish pace and I think we're almost ready to make all the fun, cool stuff like actual gameplay soon. ;D
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