Thursday, September 24, 2015

On the Matter of Inactivity

To those of you who might be reading this blog and are expecting a new post soon, this is it.  This is the post.  It's a post to tell you that there will be no post, which doesn't make any sense but it exists anyway, questioning all laws of logic.

Anyway, school started up again and on top of that the I'll be taking the SATs next week.  This means that cramming is a very real thing that actually happens.  On top of that, the entire family is currently helping Dad recover from a back/hip injury.
All that stuff adds up to a lot of time not being spent on Mega-Risk.  I should be back in comission in another week or so, maybe next Sunday, but until then Conrad will probably be the main guy working on stuff.

However, I won't leave you with zero status updates.  Stuff has been worked on since the start of the month.  Specifically, I've been trying to get Control Territories/Continents (my term for Pirate Islands and RGB Islands) to exist and Conrad has been trying to find a way to make that magical thing known as multiplayer to work.  The two of us have also been taking turns trying to get the AI to function properly.

So at least the last few weeks haven't been a total loss.

Friday, September 4, 2015

NEW MAP (Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.4)

My god, making the full Mega-Risk map took forever.  Two straight days of cutting up the map meshes, inserting all of the territories, manually creating all of the borders, and setting up the adjacents for every one of the 200+ territories in the map.

But now the full map is done.

I also managed to add continents and those UI tweaks I talked about in the last post.  Also, Conrad made a bunch of seriously amazing looking sea-lines.  Now all that's left is some sort of playability in the form of AI or Multiplayer.  Conrad's made some headway in the MP department so I'm not sure what will be done first.
Once one of those is done, I suppose it'll be time to upload a downloadable release for testing purposes before we dive into all the Mega-Risky goodness.

Here, have some screenies:

Since a substantial amount of working thigns have been added, I suppose it's time for a new pseudo-release.

Mega-Risk v.Proto_0.0.4
- Made new 'Proto2' map
- Added Continents
- Added Sea Lines
- Added Fortresses
- Tweaked Whirlpool texture to make it more realistic
- UI adjustments
- A couple more bug fixes